Helping at-risk children break free from prostitution
A Brothel is no place for a child! Project Udaan is aimed at saving little children from falling prey to prostitution. Till date, over 75 young children have been rescued from their circumstances, given an education and housing and a chance at a new life
Sonagachi is one of the largest red-light areas in all of Asia. It is an area with several hundred multi-story brothels and estimated 11,000 sex workers. These workers are trapped in a vicious circle from which there is no escape. Pimps, brothel owners, local goons, customers all keep them shackled to a life of misery and also take away a big part of their earnings, leaving the women with very little. Most women live in extreme poverty, in squalor and in fear of their lives – death can result from sexually transmitted disease & HIV Aids, from physical torture & violence, from premature old age caused by the stress of their profession. The sex workers are the only marginalized community which is ostracized from the very society which feeds on them.
Project Udaan is aimed at saving the little children from their circumstances, so they can be given an education, housing and a fair chance at life.